Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Love Love Baby....looking forward to more happy anniversaries....kiss kiss

Celebrating Baby Birthday....

Wah, baby so happy ......

Bangkok Holiday in May

Enjoying the heat and shopping in Bangkok

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

OuR PuB HoP NitE

LoL .. after doing e same boring things for coming 2 yrs, Beng & B decided to do SomeThing Diff ...

starting from
> Singing
> unsuccessful pub hopping ... hahahah

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Anniversary Dear.....Kiss Kiss

Dear Baby,
8 May 2011....Happy 2nd Anniversary.......to wish us more good health, more happiness and more love ahead.
Kiss...Kiss :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Japan - Tokyo 3rd day Disneyland

The Hero Dog at Shibuya Metro Station...."Hachiko Montogonari".

Beng beng and his comfort food

cha peng (fired rice)

See e sparker in his eyes

1st sight of Cherry Blossom


Quek Quek Quek... DUCK

Woof Woof .... kekekeke

yea yea


Too bz for food ... finally Beng cannot tahan ...

Beef Curry Curry Rice

Nite Cruse

F1 Race wif F1 Poncho

End of day of fun

Supper!! OB found freshness burger gets super excited n ran inside.... hahahah